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Warm Your Home, Not The Planet

With the cost of living having increased during the last couple of years, it’s energising to learn about a company that can help cut the cost of heating and future proof the home as Robert Veitch discovered when he met David Leviseur from Fornax Energy

David Leviseur grew up in the Sussex village of Hartfield, before his career took him to London, New York, and Hong Kong, in the energy infrastructure sector, working with solar power, wind farms and heat pumps for large commercial organisations.

But David wanted to do more in the residential sector and with this in mind, Fornax Energy formed in 2022; its’ aim is to increase the amount of affordable renewable energy in UK homes. “I come from Sussex, Fornax Energy began in Sussex, and the area remains central to my ambition for the company.”

David was keen to point out, “net zero doesn’t have to be a cost or a pain, it is an opportunity because the UK is a world leader in de-carbonisation. From 2025, all new homes built in the UK will have a heat pump and in time, the residential gas boiler will become a thing of the past; replaced with a heat pump. They are clean, quiet, efficient, and effective.”

According to over the course of a year a traditional boiler emits the same amount of carbon as seven flights between London and New York or driving the 874 miles from John O’Groats to Land’s End 13 times in a fossil fuelled car.

David told me that upgrading the household heating system is the most impactful de-carbonisation measure that can be made to the home. “Heat pumps exist not only to replace fossil fuel heating, but they are also cheaper to run than electrical heating, because they are incredibly efficient machines and provide a constant, consistent temperature. Where it usually takes approximately one unit of energy to produce one unit of heat, a heat pump may take as little as one unit of energy to produce up to four units of heat.”

According to the International Energy Agency 60% of Norwegian homes are heated by heat pumps, with Sweden and Finland not far behind.

David and the Fornax team work across the southeast, but are focused on Sussex, “We’re very proud that an Uckfield home received our first subscription funded heat pump in the UK.” The relevance to Sussex and staying local is further enhanced by partnering with local heating engineers, promoting local excellence, and assisting with re-training to help future proof local talent.



A heat pump works by absorbing energy from outside, transferring it inside, while using up to 75% less energy than a traditional boiler to do it. Using super-cold refrigeration gas, a heat pump works like a fridge in reverse.

Heat pumps are installed outside the home, requiring about the same amount of space as a traditional boiler. They must be quiet, for the noise rating to fall within permitted development regulations.

David told me it’s important to future proof the home because 17% of UK carbon emissions come from traditional boilers. “Heat pumps are better products, they are more efficient, better for the home and the environment, and they aren’t powered by fossil fuels.”



It’s not widely known, but as part of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, there is a £7,500 government subsidy available, per home. The acquisition and installation of heat pump can be “complicated and hard, but we make it simple, because we do all of that,” stated David.

So for readers keen to initiate change and move their heating into the future, the process could not be easier. “Don’t wait for your current boiler to pack in, take advantage of the government support out there, because it won’t last forever,” he recommended. “We view the concept of a heat pump as similar to a new kitchen. Maybe not as sexy, but a significant upgrade and something to plan for properly because it’s a bespoke product for every home.”

Fornax Energy is a one-stop shop for all things heat pump; the survey, subsidy, logistics, installation, aftercare, plus the maintenance schedule during the lifetime of the heat pump.

The survey, which details any necessary changes to the exiting heating system is valid for a decade and Fornax are waiving the usual survey charge for Sussex Living readers (during February). David said most homes need only minor changes before installation can take place.



Fornax Energy are one giant leap ahead of other energy suppliers because their business model is a subscription service so the installation and maintenance cost is spread over a decade, from as little as £75 per month. There are no expensive up-front costs.

The bill previously occupied by fossil fuel heating disappears immediately and the Fornax subscription takes its place. “Our USP is the subscription model, spreading the cost, taking care of everything, making it simple to future proof the home. Spreading the cost means we can use the best local heating engineers and the best available heat pumps,” revealed David.

The interaction with talent in the area and the subscription model means Fornax Energy are the vanguard of the industry. “Our aim is to make the home more comfortable, to help people save on their energy bills, to promote heating engineers in Sussex. Go to the website, phone up, speak to an expert, and discover the future for yourself.”

Throughout our conversation, David’s enthusiasm and knowledge shone through, it was an eye-opening and educational experience. Whether we like it or not, the future is marching towards us, so it’s best to be prepared like Fornax Energy.


Fornax Energy

020 4571 0213

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