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How Will Your Care Fees Be Paid? Getting You the Right Support

Looking for a care package that’s right for you? Make sure you’ve considered all of your options – there’s plenty of support out there, writes Jane Finnerty the joint chairman of SOLLA

The process of choosing and considering care options can be a challenging one, with many complex decisions to take. One of the most important areas to consider is how the care fees will be paid.

Fees in West Sussex could cost up to £1,500 a week (the cost will vary, depending on the provider and your needs) so it’s well worth taking the time to consider the best way to fund care fees.

It is vital to seek independent financial advice from an expert in the area of later life finances so that you can be sure you understand all available options.

The Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) is a not-for-profit organisation that works closely with Carewise, a care funding scheme set up by West Sussex County Council and partners, supporting people to make well-informed decisions about paying for long-term care.

SOLLA members are financial advisers who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and who have also chosen to take the extra step to achieve the Later Life Adviser Accreditation - widely recognised as the gold standard in financial advice for later life planning.

By becoming independently accredited, SOLLA advisers offer the added reassurance that they can give the practical help and guidance needed to help you make the right decisions at the right time.

As well as care home funding and funding care at home, SOLLA advisers can also provide you with advice on retirement planning, equity release and other property options, savings and investments, and tax and estate planning.

Advisers are re-licensed annually, required to undertake a full re-accreditation every five years, and must adhere to the SOLLA code of conduct.

The SOLLA advisers who are part of Carewise have also undergone the following checks: They are approved under the Trading Standards ‘Buy With Confidence’ or equivalent local authority scheme, they are checked via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and they are trained in 
safeguarding adults.

For information and advice about paying for care and to arrange to speak to an adviser, visit, contact 
Carewise on 01243 642121, or email

For more information about SOLLA, telephone 0333 2020 454 or visit

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