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Is it time for a Digital Detox?

Do you feel your screen time across tablets, gadgets, televisions and more may be getting out of hand? Adele Trathan suggests we think about reducing them, in favour of putting greater prevalence on healthier pastimes

In this technology-saturated age, digital detoxing is becoming increasingly essential for holistic wellbeing. The modern era sees individuals perpetually plugged in, with devices vying for our attention at all hours of the day. That means an intentional disconnection can be reviving and refreshing.

With that in mind, there are good strategies for helping moderate technological reliance, instead proposing tangible alternatives for rebalancing life with organic inspiration.


Nature immersion

In a digitised age, where screens dominate our vision, immersing oneself in nature emerges as a salve for the senses. Rather than succumbing to the endless scroll, let the melodious chirping of birds, the gentle rustling of leaves, or the mesmerising cascade of a serene waterfall captivate your attention.

Nature's embrace provides a stark, refreshing contrast to the artificial glow of devices. Breathing in the pure, crisp air, feeling the sun's warmth on one's skin, and sensing the vastness of the open sky, can have a very real therapeutic effect.

This natural reconnection rejuvenates the body and mind, acting as a reminder of the authentic experiences that ground us in the profound beauty of reality.


Traditional reading

Swap e-books for physical ones. The act of flipping through pages, feeling the texture of their grain, and inhaling the distinct aroma of ink and paper, carries its own enchantment.

This real interaction – such a hands-on experience – free from the glare of screens and intrusive blue light, fosters improved sleep, reduces digital fatigue and mitigates the strain of digital overload.


Hands-on hobbies

Engage in tactile hobbies like pottery, painting or knitting. Such activities not only divert attention from screens but also enhance creativity, patience and skills. After all, the accomplishment of crafting something substantial is deeply satisfying.

These pursuits do more than simply provide a break from technology; they ignite the creative spark within, cultivate patience, and hone one's skills in unique ways. The art of moulding clay, brushing colour onto a canvas, or weaving threads together, requires meticulous attention and dedication.

What’s more, the gratification derived from witnessing an idea transform into a tangible masterpiece is unparalleled, offering fulfilment and achievement.


Physical exercise

In an era where virtual fitness classes have become the norm, embracing real-world sports or yoga sessions offers an invigorating alternative. Engaging in physical activity does more than sculpt our physique; it releases a rush of endorphins, acting as nature's mood enhancer.

This not only alleviates stress but also revitalises our energy reservoirs, and this can be enhanced further by participating in group exercises or team sports, thus building interpersonal interactions and enriching social bonds.

These collective endeavours not only tone our muscles (and our minds) but also offer very real community benefits, deepening our shared sense of belonging and unity.


Mindfulness practices

Reverting to traditional mindfulness practices can provide a sanctuary for the soul. Choosing meditation, journaling or deep-breathing exercises over their digital counterparts, offers an authentic experience.

These time-tested techniques serve as anchors, providing heightened clarity and sweeping away mental fog.



The promotion of a digital detox can be taken to whatever lengths you feel appropriate. For some, going ‘cold turkey’ is an inspirational move and the only way to approach this; yet others may achieve more simply by swapping out a few elements at a time.

However you choose to style your own reinvention, and whether temporary or permanent, what is certain is that reconnecting with life's organic joys can be one of the most inspiring things you ever do.

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