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Competition: Win FREE Tickets to The Garden Show at Firle Place

Enjoy a fantastic day out for you and your family, full of gorgeous garden and style ideas, art and design, all set in the beautiful location of Firle Place. Why not nominate yourself for this great prize - and feel free to share with your friends as we have three sets of tickets to win!

We've teamed up with the organisers of The Garden Show at Firle Place to offer three family passes to the show next weekend.

Now in its 13th year, this spectacular show is taking place later in the year than it normally would, but that won't stop you enjoying the variety of garden-related goods, artisan designs, homeware products, garden furniture, sundries, fashion accessories and the most delicious harvest festival of country foods!

The rules are very simple - just head to our Facebook page and comment under the competition posts with your own name. As we're giving away three passes, why not share with your friends?

All of the entrants will then be put into a draw with the winners picked at random. Each winner will then be informed and will be emailed a family pass for two adults and up to four children to attend one day of the show. 

The show opens next Friday (16 October) and runs until Sunday (18 October). Opening times are 10am - 5pm (4pm on Sunday). 

The competition closes at midday on Wednesday 14 October and winners will be notified within 24 hours. 

From all of us here, we wish you the best of luck!


Please note that due to COVID-19, the following guidance will be in place when attending the show:

  • Please bring your own hand sanitiser with you (there will be hand sanitising stations on site also)
  • You are welcome to wear masks and/or gloves if you like
  • Please bring a face covering of your choice, to be worn in the marquees
  • Please bring an umbrella in case it rains as you can’t all run for cover in the marquees
  • Please maintain 2m distancing in any queues and 1m plus around the grounds
  • Please abide by the current ‘Rule of Six’ regulation, and not mix in a group of greater than six people
  • Food and drink are available on site but please feel free to bring your own
  • Please keep an eye on the show’s social media and website pages for any updates as regulations change frequently

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