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A recipe for chicken ramen soup

Mary Goodsell loves this comforting, hug-in-a-bowl chicken ramen soup and its immune boosting properties will be just what you need to fight off colds and flu this winter

BENEFITS: Gluten free, dairy free and full of healthy antioxidant rich ingredients such as garlic, ginger and chilli

Serves: 4

Cooking time: 1 hour cooking, plus 2-3 hours to boil the stock


For the stock:

1 whole large chicken

1 large onion, roughly chopped

3 sticks of celery, roughly chopped

2 large carrots, roughly chopped

1 tsp black peppercorns

1 fresh chilli, whole or sliced (optional)

2-3cm whole fresh ginger

3 cloves of garlic


For the soup:

1 large leek, sliced

1 large carrot, chopped

3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

2-3cm whole fresh ginger, finely chopped

2 sticks of lemongrass (optional)

1 red or green chilli, chopped or whole or 1tsp dries chilli

A drizzle of sesame or coconut oil

¼ of a cabbage, finely sliced (optional)

3-4 tbsp of tamari soy sauce

A packet of dried noodles of your choice (one ‘nest’ per person)

Garnish Options:

Chopped spring onions, dried chilli flakes, boiled eggs, soy sauce


    1. Remove the legs from the chicken with a sharp knife, put the legs in the fridge as these will make another meal for two.
    2. In a large pot make the stock by adding the chicken, garlic cloves, celery, carrots, onion, ginger, chilli, peppercorns and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil, then leave to simmer gently for 2-3 hours with the lid on.
    3. Pour the stock through a colander into a large pan or bowl and set the chicken and veg aside to cool.
    4. To make the soup, put the sesame oil, leeks, carrot, garlic, ginger, lemongrass into a medium sized pan and stir over a medium heat until softened. Then add the chicken stock water and let it all simmer on a low heat, add the cabbage, if using, and the tamari soy sauce to the pan and leave on simmer.
    5. While the soup is simmering, the chicken and vegetables should now be cool enough for you to strip the chicken of its meat, shred and set aside. Discard the vegetables, bones and skin.
    6. Add the ‘nests’ of dried noodles to the water and leave for a further 10 minutes.
    7. To finish, remove the lemongrass sticks (if used), add the shredded chicken meat, serve in warmed bowls with garnish as desired.

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