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A buyer's guide to electric cars

Electric cars, also known as electric vehicles (EVs), are automobiles that are powered by one or more electric motors instead of a traditional internal combustion engine. Here are some key things you should know about electric cars.

Without stating the obvious, electric cars are powered by electricity, as opposed to diesel or petrol. So what exactly do you need to know? What are the pros and cons? Should you be looking at buying an electric car this year?

Electric cars are powered by batteries that store electricity. The batteries are charged by plugging the car into an electrical outlet or charging station.

Pros to buying an electric car:

1. They are environmentally friendly

Electric cars emit no pollutants, meaning they don't produce the harmful emissions that contribute to air pollution and climate change, like traditional fuel does. 

2. They have lower operating costs

Electric cars have lower operating costs compared to traditional fuel-powered cars. They require less maintenance, and the cost of electricity is typically cheaper than petrol or diesel.


3. They offer a quieter and smoother ride

Electric cars are known for their quiet and smooth ride, as they don't have the vibrations and noise associated with a traditional internal combustion engine that you would find in a petrol or diesel car.


4. They are becoming more popular

As electric cars become more affordable and more charging stations are built, their popularity is increasing. Many car manufacturers are investing in electric car technology, and governments around the world are promoting the adoption of electric cars to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Cons to buying an electric car:

1.They have limited range

The range of electric cars varies depending on the model, but most have a limited range, compared to their fuel-powered counterparts. Having said this, the range is improving with advancements in battery technology.

2. They can be more expensive

Electric cars tend to be more expensive than traditional fuel-powered cars. However, prices are coming down, and there are incentives available for buying an electric car.

3. Longer charging times

Charging an electric car takes longer than filling up a tank of fuel. Even with fast-charging options, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours to fully charge the battery. This is something to consider if you don't have a charging station at home.

4. Limited charging infrastructure

While the number of charging stations is growing, they are not yet as widespread as fuel stations. This can make it difficult to find a charging station, especially in rural or remote areas.

5. Limited model options

While more electric car models are coming onto the market, the selection is still more limited than traditional fuel-powered cars. This may make it harder to find the right car for your needs.

6. Dependence on electricity

Electric cars are reliant on electricity, so if there is a power outage or if the electrical grid is down, you may not be able to charge your car.

7. Environmental concerns

While electric cars emit no exhaust emissions, the production and disposal of batteries and other components can have environmental impacts. It is important to consider the full life cycle of an electric car when assessing its environmental impact.


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