Each month Adele Trathan and Sara Whatley look at seven elements of living the life of a natural beauty, helping you to enrich the mind, body and soul in balance and holistic harmony
Essential oils like frankincense oil have been used for thousands of years, valued for their therapeutic and healing properties as part of the practice of aromatherapy. Frankincense is reputed to have many therapeutic properties. Used topically and cosmetically, it stimulates the growth of new cells promoting faster healing and potentially helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and skin imperfections. Use with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil.
When used in aromatherapy, Frankincense works as an expectorant helping to clear the nasal passageway and relieve congestion. It’s sweet, woody aroma can enhance mood by diminishing feelings of stress and anxiety while improving concentration and memory. Medicinally, this anti- inflammatory oil is known to soothe inflamed skin by reducing the sensations of redness, swelling, and itching. It helps to disinfect and tighten the pores, thereby promoting the speedy healing of cuts, wounds, and scars.
Teabags for Eye Bags
Your grandmother probably knew that cold teabags could help to calm puffy eyes. The caffeine in tea bags helps with vasoconstriction or shrinking of the blood vessels reducing puffiness or swollen skin around the eye area. The cool temperature helps decrease inflammation and swelling under the eyes. Simply wring out a couple of wet tea bags (caffeinated black tea), place in the fridge to cool and then place over closed eyes.
Child’s Pose, Balasana
Ease yourself gently into the new year with this calming and restful posture, Child’s Pose (Balasana). Called as such because children naturally adopt this pose, it stretches the back and hips, ankles and knees, and creates a lovely little pocket of private quiet as you rest your forehead on the mat. This restful pose can be adopted at any time, giving you the opportunity to breathe deeply, reset, and calm the mind and body.
Variations include: stretching the arms and hands in front of you, to your sides with your palms facing upwards, or hands resting under your forehead if it doesn’t reach the floor. To come out of the pose role up vertebrae by vertebrae into a sitting position.
It’s a natural inclination to snuggle up with a good book at this time of year, but did you know that storytelling and reading of specific texts can actually be therapeutic?
For those that already love reading this may not come as a surprise – but it goes deeper than just escaping into a fantasy land. Bibliotherapy is a creative arts therapy, employing literature, poetry and other texts (mainly fiction) alongside more traditional therapy methods. The general idea is for the patient to understand other perspectives, and using the story as a therapeutic tool to recognise problems or symptoms. Empathy may be felt, alongside positive emotions.
Reading in general improves self-esteem and self-efficacy, both of which can lift a mood and lead to a richer enjoyment of life.
It’s cold outside so let’s warm ourselves up with some spicy Kimchi! This Korean dish is made from salted, fermented vegetables, predominantly napa cabbage, mixed with a spiced paste. There are so many variations of Kimchi, depending on where the recipe comes from and how you like it.
Not only does Kimchi taste delicious and is a meal-enhancing addition to almost anything, it's also really good for the gut. Nutrient dense with all those vegetables, and due to the fermentation process it is rich in probiotics – live organisms that live in your gut and produce loads of health benefits, from helping the immune system to reducing inflammation.
Buy it or even better, make your own at home. Made in big batches, it can last for a long time and keep your gut (and taste buds) in tip top condition.
Clear Quartz
Quartz is known as ‘The Master Healer’ and is possibly one of the most powerful crystals, believed to suppress negativity and promote optimism. This stunning transparent crystal is known for its healing properties and ability to amplify positive energy, mental clarity and emotional balance.
Practical Uses:
Feng Shui Applications:
Use clear quartz in your home or office using feng shui principles to help enhance positive energy and harmony. Its ability to absorb light and turn it into positive energy make it an excellent addition to any space.
Meditation and Manifestation:
Clear quartz can help to amplify intentions to achieve goals when used during meditation or manifestation practices.
Crystal Combinations:
Clear quartz’s ability to intensify the power of other crystals make it an ideal partner for creating powerful energy combinations that can help support your spiritual journey and personal growth. Crystal quartz is incredibly versatile which makes it a great choice for your very first crystal.
Flaxseeds (also known as linseeds) are widely available in health food shops and supermarkets and are typically available as whole, milled/ ground or as an oil. Flaxseeds are very versatile and can be eaten hot or cold, in smoothies, porridge, soups and cakes. The oil can be used on salads or in soups and stews. Most nutritional experts recommend milled/ground over whole flaxseeds as the ground form is easier to digest. Whole seeds may pass through the intestines undigested, meaning you don’t get all the nutritional benefits.
Health and nutritional benefits include:
● Maintaining a healthy digestive system and microbiome due to the high fibre/prebiotic content
● Helping to maintain healthy blood pressure by improving lipid metabolism
● Anti-inflammatory effect that may help lower/maintain total blood cholesterol and offer protective benefits against breast cancer
● Helps support healthy blood sugar management
● High in omega-3 fatty acids